Ordering DVDs
If you’d like a copy of any of the tens-of-thousands of shows in our archives dating back over 40 years, you can order a DVD on our On Demand site. Find the show you want, and click “add to cart”.
DVDs for most shows are $25.00 and we can usually have your order completed in 7-10 days. And just ‘cuz we like you, we’ll cover the postage. Don’t have a DVD Player but still wanna watch? Contact us for alternatives!
Can’t quite find the show you want?
Contact us at bectv@bectv.org or 952-681-5900 and let us know what you’re looking for. Our trusty staff knows our shows like the back of our hands.

Search Tips:
- Not all shows will contain the year in which they happened, so searching with the year in the title will reduce your chances of finding the shows you are looking for
- School names should be spelled out, show titles will never contain abbreviations such as ‘JFK’, it will always be spelled out as ‘Kennedy’.
- The search will only include shows that contain ALL of the words you search for, exactly as you spell them.
- For example, if you are trying to find the 1998 Kennedy Spring Choir concert, you should first try entering Kennedy Choir.
- Elementary programs often don’t actually include “music program” in the title. Instead search for the school name and grade. For Olson and Oak Grove, make sure to include “Gr” (ex: Olson Gr 5)
- If you don’t see the results you expect, try using less words in your search.
- If a show has a placeholder thumbnail, we most likely have it and it is available for purchase. It’s just not available On Demand. Shows that say “Not Shot” or “Not Available” are the ones that aren’t available.
- After 40 years, some of our shows unfortunately get lost. We apologize if those are one of the ones you are looking for.